15 Interesting Facts About Karl Marx: The Father of Communism

Karl Marx, often popularized as the father of communism is known for his extensive writings against capitalism. Unanimously considered as one of the greatest thinkers and philosophers of all time, Marx had contributed significantly to the fields such as Sociology and Politics. However, beyond the popular culture and stereotypes about Karl Marx, there is a lot about him not discussed very often. So, we have a list of some interesting (and possibly lesser known) facts about Karl Marx. Here you go:
1. Marx Had Knowledge And Talent Across Various Subject Domains, Including Journalism.
Karl Marx was not only a German-born philosopher, economist, political theorist, historian, sociologist, and revolutionary socialist but also an accomplished journalist. He shared his early thoughts about socialism and his growing interest in money matters by writing radical articles for a liberal-social newspaper called Rheinische Zeitung (Rhineland News).
2. Marx Started Writing For A Newspaper Called “Vorwärts” And Then Later Began His Newspaper, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
After the collapse of his previous paper, Marx began writing for Vorwärts which was the only uncensored German-language radical newspaper left at that time. Later he went on to start the publication of a daily newspaper, Neue Rheinische Zeitungus using the finances he inherited from his father. His role as the primary writer and editorial influence helped shape the newspaper’s content and direction. You can also check out some of his articles published in his papers here.
3. Karl Marx Faced Many Financial Struggles But Relied On Engels For Financial Support For His Work.
Karl Marx’s financial struggles were a significant challenge throughout his life. He once lamented to his friend and collaborator Friedrich Engels that his “lousy life” wasn’t worth living. But the financial support from Engels, whose wealth came from his father’s industrial empire, provided Marx with a steady source of income that allowed him to focus on his work and leave a lasting impact on the world through his theories and ideas.
4. Marx Had A Tragic Family Life As Out Of Seven Only 3 Children Survived
Karl Marx married Jenny von Westphalen and had seven children. Sadly, four of them died at a very young age The family lived in tough conditions in London, which made it harder for the kids to stay healthy. In the end, only three of their children grew up, which is a very sad part of their family’s story.
5. Marx Was Not Only Known For His Profound Ideas But Also For His Remarkable Multilingual Abilities
Karl Marx, the father of communism, was not only known for his revolutionary ideas but also his impressive linguistic abilities. He was a polyglot who spoke several languages fluently, including German, French, English, Latin, and Greek. His proficiency in these languages allowed him to access a vast array of literature and ideas, which influenced his political philosophy.
6. Despite Being Born Into A Family That Had Converted To Christianity, Karl Marx’s Family Was Originally Non-Religious Jewish.
Another interesting fact about Karl Marx is that his parents, Heinrich and Henrietta, originally came from Jewish families with a long history of rabbis. However, in 1816, Heinrich converted to Christianity to continue his work as a lawyer, and Henrietta did the same soon after. Despite their conversion, Karl Marx himself was an avowed atheist and famously described religion as the “opium of the people” in his writings.
7. Karl Marx Was Taught By His Father For His Early Education
Karl Marx, one of the most influential political thinkers in history, was privately tutored by his father until he turned 12. Later he attended Trier High School, where his father’s friend, Hugo Wyttenbach, served as headmaster. This early education played a significant role in shaping Marx’s revolutionary philosophy and ideas about society.
8. Karl Marx’s Philosophical Ideas Were Influenced By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Karl Marx learned a lot and was greatly influenced by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s philosophical ideas. When Marx was young, he collaborated with Hegel on some of his most important works, including The German Ideology and the Grundrisse. Their collaboration helped shape Marx’s ideas on politics, economics, and social structures, which would become the basis for his later writings.
9. Karl Marx Was Considered A Feminist By Many Scholars And Was Believed To Be An Inspiration For His Daughter.
A lesser known fact about Karl Marx is that Eleanor Marx, the daughter of Karl Marx, was a remarkable figure in the women’s and workers’ rights movements. It was believed that Karl inspired Eleanor and she became an outspoken advocate for gender equality and workers’ rights and played a key role in the formation of the first British socialist party.
10. Karl Marx’s Communist Ideology Significantly Influenced China’s Leadership Under Mao Zedong
Mao Zedong, the founder of the People’s Republic of China, was heavily influenced by the ideas of Karl Marx. He blended the Marxist-Leninist theory and traditional Chinese ideas and created something called Maoism. Mao believed that communism could help liberate China from the grip of imperialism and feudalism. His leadership style was characterized by mass mobilization and a focus on rural development. Even today, Mao’s ideas continued to shape the country’s political landscape.
11. Marx Was A Controversial Figure And He Was Exiled From Countries Due To His Strong Ideas And Writing
Marx was one of the most controversial figures in European politics. And he was exiled by three different governments because of his radical activities and provocative writings. Germany, France, and Belgium all thought of him as a threat to peace and stability in the region which resulted in his forced departure and subsequent exile. His influence, however, continued to be felt as his ideas continued to inspire and ignite political movements across Europe
12. Karl Marx Initially Studied Law Even Though He Had An Interest In Philosophy.
Karl Marx, the German philosopher and economist, wanted to study philosophy and literature at the University of Bonn. However, his father insisted on law as a more practical field, which Marx then eventually pursued. Despite studying law, Marx was fascinated with philosophy persisted, and he believed that nothing could be accomplished without it. Marx’s journey serves as a testament to the importance of pursuing one’s passions and the role philosophy plays in shaping our understanding of the world.
13. Marx’s Association with the secret League of the Just resulted in birth of the Communist League
In 1846, while living in Brussels, Karl Marx continued his association with the secret radical organization, League of the Just. Marx believed that the League had the potential to spur the European working class towards a mass movement and bring about a working-class revolution. After much persuasion, the League was reorganized by its members in June 1847 into a new open political society that directly appealed to the working classes, known as the Communist League.
14. Marx Spent Most Of His Life Dealing With Poor Health
Throughout his life, he suffered respiratory problems, headaches, migraines, and digestive issues. Marx was even excused from military duty at 18 due to poor health caused by a “weak chest”. His poor health affected his overall well-being and daily life.
15. Marx Had A Deep Passion For Chess Which Goes Beyond His Political Interest
Marx was not only a great philosopher and economist but also a skilled chess player. He spent hours playing chess with his friends and fellow intellectuals. Marx didn’t see chess as just a leisure activity. For him, it was a way to sharpen his intellect and strategic thinking.
We hope you gained some interesting insights reading these facts about Karl Marx. Also, check out our other facts here. If you would like us to write more about Marx or another great personality of Social Studies, feel free to reach out to us at contact@alekhni.com. We are always excited to answer your e-mails 🙂