About Us

What is Alekhni?

Alekhni is a free and open educational resource project designed to empower young people by helping them practice reading complex texts and becoming independent free-learners. With the rise of fast-food-style, McDonaldized education, access to vital resources has been restricted to the privileged population. Knowledge has become a currency used to oppress people and exploit resources in this capitalistic system. The categorization of different educational levels does not help students operate on their true potentials and it’s often too late before they realize how the world operates and become cognizant of their rights and responsibilities. The easier to comprehend texts at lower levels and much complex ones at higher levels is meant for the system’s convenience and not for the students’ benefit. Alekhni challenges this pre-existing system and empowers youth by equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to explore reliable, credible, and valid literature, as well as to access a wealth of copyright-free and accessible resources. Our project is completely based on recycling and dwelling upon the pre-existing free-knowledge. Alekhni Reading Programme is open to all students and educators and does not have a discriminatory policy based on privilege or meritocracy (also privilege in disguise).

Alekhni Readers’ Programme:

The Alekhni Readers’ Programme is a month-long programme helping students become deep readers and independent learners by providing them with the required support through participatory online sessions, access to valuable free resources, opportunities, and engaging activities. Enrollments are open all year round and students are let in on a rolling basis. Apply by clicking here!

Caring Curriculums:

Alekhni’s caring curriculums is meant to empower educators and self-learning students by providing them with a learning trajectory and free-access resources. Educators can also share with Alekhni the aims and goals of their course and we can create a customized student-centered list of viable texts and literature that could efficiently guide students in reaching their learning outcomes. Independent learners can find the various pre-designed curriculums on our website and can also join in our discord server to request individually customized curriculum for their personal learning goals- we will try to the best of our capabilities to provide individual attention to every learner. Educators can send us an email on [email protected] to discuss their coursework with us.

Contribute to Alekhni!

You can support the Alekhni project by contributing to our free-access resources in your capacity as a writer, educator, artist, or in another way that we can’t think of at the moment. If you feel you have something that could help young people become independent learners or acquire a well-informed perspective, feel free to send us an email on [email protected]

Work with Us!

As a not-for-profit educational innovation, Alekhni is always on the lookout for talented and passionate individuals interested in helping us achieve our goal of empowering young people through free-access educational resources and reading and writing skills. If you find yourself suitable for a role at Alekhni, feel free to send us your pitch at [email protected]. We would reply to you ASAP within a week with our thoughts.

Partner with Us!

We understand at Alekhni the need for collaborations and partnerships in order to create an influential and powerful educational innovation. We are always excited to work with other like-minded individuals and organizations. If you are interested in our innovation and would like to collaborate, please feel free to send us an email on [email protected] and we will reply to you ASAP to discuss the viability of collaborations and partnerships.