Join Our Programme

What is Alekhni Readers’ Programme?

The Alekhni Readers’ Programme is a month-long programme helping students become deep-readers and independent learners by providing them with the required support through participatory online sessions, access to valuable free-resources, opportunities, and engaging activities.

During the one month of the programme, learners will be supported in their journey to read and understand complex texts and create meaningfully valuable content themselves through the academic writing workshops. Learners would also be able to distinguish between reliable and non-reliable sources and would gain the skills to use valid, credible, and reliable citations themselves for their own academic writing projects.

There would also be a few guest sessions led by experts and academics from across humanities and social sciences, founders and innovators of educational innovations, inspiring people working at impactful and novel NGOs, Non-Profits, and other humanities-based organizations. These sessions would complement the learners’ journey towards building a more holistic mindset and developing stronger perspectives.

Who is Eligible for the Programme?

Any student wanting to develop academic reading and writing skills and train themselves to become independent learners is welcome to join the Readers’ Programme. There is no barrier to joining the programme. We would try our best to accommodate as many students as we can in every cohort to a maximum of 10 students per batch. We don’t discriminate against students based on race, caste, nationality, lingual identity, gender, sexual orientation, age, experience, class, or any other factor such as meritocracy. We do not believe that any system can be completely meritocratic. Merit has just become an accepted form of privilege in society. We truly want to help the most needy students as our priority, which might create a bias in our attempt to accommodate all the students in case of limited resources.

When/ How Do I Apply for the Readers’ Programme?

Enrollments are open all year round and students are let in on a rolling basis. We usually reply within 2-weeks after receiving your information through the contact form below. There are no formal application essay requirements, but we still encourage you to fill in all the sections of the form so that we get to know you better and have the right resources prepared for you before onboarding you.

If you run into any errors while filling in the form, send us an email at [email protected].

What After I Submit the Form?

Once we review your form submission, we will get back to you ASAP (usually within 2-weeks) with a link to join our discord server, which will keep you updated about the programme and provide you an opportunity to interact with other amazing like-minded people and build life-long connections.